Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's here!!

The first annual Boudoir Squared Marathon! Josh and I decided it was time for us to work together on something and so Boudoir Squared was born. We are so excited to bring this event to all you lovely ladies. So get your sexy pants on and book your spot today!

Sam Miller (Fayette HS 2013)

Tall, dark, and handsome anyone? It doesn't take a whole lot to be taller than me so that counts :). I had a lot of fun with Sam and his mother. People think just because they are a Fayette hs student I automatically know them. Not always the case. As soon as I saw Sam I knew it was going to be a fun 2 hrs. Sam was a little quite at first but of course I always have to be talking so asked him a couple of questions about himself and I think he loosened up a little.... (just a little). Same is an all around athlete plays baseball, basketball, and football. Whew that made me tired just thinking about it. Did I mention how much I loved his purple Hurley shirt, it looked awesome up against the brick don't ya think? Oh and that serious face I think he might practice that in the mirror he was awfully good at it! I LOVE LOVE the black and white if him below. Go ahead scroll down and check them out! ENJOY!



Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kassi Marie

Miss Kassi is Harrisburg SR for this year and if you can't tell exactly why I wanted her as my rep you are blind (just joking). She is gorgeous and kicked butt in front of the camera. We started off this shoot pretty early and were able to catch some stellar lighting and the stellarness (yes I just used that work) followed us all day long! As you all know I LOVE shooting hs seniors I have so much fun with them and they are always up for trying some new visions running though my crazy head. I wish I could go back and be a high school senior again I don't remember my senior pictures being this much fun. DANG IT! Anyways I hope you all enjoy her pretty face as much as I did.

Did I mention she is an athlete as well? Yes pretty and plays sports!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Baugher Wedding

I had such a great time with this group. Despite hurricane Issac's attempt to ruin our photo opportunities we dodge the storm (literally) and was able to get 30 min outside. Kayleigh was by far the most laid back bride I have worked with.  These two have a very strong love for each other and it very evident with the way they look at each other. Their wedding day was absolutely perfect and I hope their future together is nothing less.


Friday, September 7, 2012


I had so many of you that wanted to see some more of little Cayle's images so here you are! Hope you all enjoy her beauty as much as I did.